Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa's Powerful Message: Change

Last night two men won big in Iowa: Mike Huckabee & Barack Obama. Huckabee drew thousands of evangelical Christians to the polls for the first time, reminding the Republican establishment, yet again, that without evangelical support, a Democrat will be the next president. And after being outspent nearly 15 to 1, he also showed that money can't buy the nomination. On the other side, Obama drew thousands of first time voters... many Independents and even some Republicans. He also proved that a black man can win in a state with a 93% white population.

These two men have left a tremendous mark on the political landscape. But behind the numbers there is a message. And that very clear message is that America wants change. The message of change has been the focus of both the Huckabee and Obama campaigns. In fact, as I listened to the winners' speeches last night, I found them both to be refreshing. These are the men who can take America into the future (and I personally prefer Huckabee's vision of the future over Obama's).

The big losers out of Iowa are Mitt Romney (who spent the most & came in a distant 2nd) and Hillary Clinton (who placed 3rd behind Edwards!). Again, the message from Iowa is change! Romney loves to defend the Bush White House, while Huckabee has been willing to look at things openly and objectively. Another big problem for Romney is the fact that he looks like he's a rich, snobby Republican. When blue-collar Democrats think Republican, they picture a guy like 'Mitt.'

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. The lesson for her is that you can't talk about your 35 year-long career in politics with former President Clinton, former Sec. of State Albright, and former DNC chair Terry McAuliffe standing on stage and then expect people to believe you're an agent of change!! The Clinton machine is out of steam, and nobody wants to go back to the '90s.

Iowans spoke for all of us last night. We're all tired of the status-quo. We're all sick of the feuds in Washington. We're all ready for change.


Jason Vaughn said...

Mohler's post is a must read.

Jason Vaughn said...

Speaking of change.

Matt Prihoda said...

Check out my analysis of Obama on the 2nd Amendment at

Anonymous said...

We don't need or want another Clinton in the Whitehouse, BUT, we also DO NOT need a Muslim there either!! There is no doubt in my mind that Obama IS a muslim. BTW, in a few years you'll be asking yourself, who's the associate?? He'll be in charge(Thomas). Love you'll and enjoy the Blog,Grandpa